FreeverbToo 1.72 VST / 1.3 DX for PC (freeware)
- studio-qualitiy reverb
- adjustable gate for gated reverb
- freeze mode
- direct visualization of reverb parameters
- VU-meter
- 32 bit internal precision
- support for sampling rates up to 192 kHz

new in version 1.72 VST

- crash when closing the plugin in Adobe® Audition® CS5.5 - fixed
- native x64 version available

new in version 1.71 VST

- predelay bug - fixed

new in version 1.7 VST

- VST 2 compatibility
- support for high sample rates
- GUI optimizations
- pdf manual

new in version 1.6 VST

- visualization of parameter names and values in all VST host applications
- preset sound optimization

new in version 1.55 VST

- optimized user interface
- preset selection via context menu
- output amplification is reduced by 6 dB in order to protect your ears :-)

fixed bugs in version 1.52 VST

- window bug (now OrionPro compatible)
- memory optimized

new in version 1.5 VST

- lowpass filter
- reverb panorama
- VU meters now from -42 to +6 dB
- full parameter automation
- 25 presets

Download FreeverbToo !

Thanks to Jezar for the great reverb code of his original Freeverb implementation !
Ableton Live 8

© 2012 by Sinus |